Continuing Education Calendar

2024 Courses

Click the links below for more course information:

Integrative Dry Needling Foundations Course – January 12-14th

McKenzie Part D – March 7-10th (McKenzie A, B, and C Required Prerequisites)

Vestibular Evaluation and Treatment with Cissy Voight – April 13th

Taping Rationale and Techniques with David Sheer – April 27th

McKenzie Part B – May 17-19th (McKenzie A Required Prerequisite)

Extremity Management – ICE – August 10-11th 

Functional Biomechanics of the Lower Quarter – Chris Powers – September 28-29th

McKenzie Part A October 25-27th

Manual Therapy of the Nervous System – Adriaan Louw – November 9-10th


STAR’s 8-course COMT Tract, “The Multi-Modal PT” taught by David Sheer, PT, DPT, MOMT, FAAOMPT, are also offered throughout the year.

“Great Mechanics of the Human Body”